What If There Was A Way To Finally Finish Your Book In 2024 – With Clarity and Ease?
The Book Finishers Bootcamp!


An action-packed workshop to help writers create a clear and achievable plan to finally finish their book.

No isolation or exhaustion required!

23 April - 3 May 2024. 2-3pm Eastern (NYC) Time

**LIVE via Zoom with Replay Available


You want to FINISH the book that’s been in your head for months (or years??) and get it into the hands of your Ideal Readers,

BUT how do you do that AND everything else in your life?

There are 3 main hurdles that are keeping you from finally finishing your book…

Which one is the biggest block for you right now?



“I can’t focus!”

You’re pulled in so many directions. Distractions and interruptions eat away at your writing time, and there’s Real Life too: kids, elder care, paid work, partner, getting some groceries in the house…how the heck do you concentrate long enough to finish the book?



“I’m not good enough!”

You’ve done writing workshops. But you’re still worried about the specific writing dilemmas related to your specific book. Is the structure right? Character arcs working? You sit down to write and your mind goes blank. You need to be able to manage yourself so that you know what to write the next time you're at your desk.



“How do I find the time to write this book??”

As a professional creative woman, you have a LOT on your plate. And finding time to head to your writing desk alone and stay engaged with your book all the way through the process can be challenging. How do you find the time you need to finish the book?

It feels like there are SO MANY THINGS standing in your way, which is causing you to…


Avoid your writing sessions. #oops



Become frozen over what to write next.

And no matter how hard you try, you’re struggling to get the brilliance in your head down onto the page so that you can actually finish your book. Sound familiar?

Hey there Writer, I’m Rhonda.

If you’re new to me, I’m an award-winning, published author of two books, with two more on the way. I completed my Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia. A former literary magazine editor, I’ve now been a writing mentor to hundreds of writers over the past few years.

And while that all sounds magical – and it totally is! – finishing and publishing my own books was no walk in the park. In fact, when I first started taking my writing seriously, I had NO IDEA how to actually finish a book.

I knew I’d dreamed about it ever since I was a little girl reading with my flashlight under the bed covers, but even with a completed Master's thesis in hand I didn’t know what to do next. I had lots of words on the page but not a real book.

I knew that it was necessary for my identity and sense of self-worth to complete the projects that meant so much to me. I finished a book of poetry and a book of fiction and saw them published within a few years of each other, winning some awards along the way.

How? Because I finally figured out the FOUR major ingredients that would allow me to finish with ease and write all the way to The End – and I want to share all that with you in this 5-day Bootcamp!


If you want to finally finish your book, then you have to truly commit to becoming a writer who doesn’t just know how to start but also FINISHES…however, you don’t have to do it alone.

It doesn’t matter how great a writer you are.

If you don’t know how to find the motivation, focus and commitment to complete your first draft, then you definitely won’t be able to find a publisher and get your book on bookshelves so that you can connect with your Ideal Readers.

Successful writers – writers who actually finish and publish their books – know that there are four main ingredients that will take you all the way to typing The End on your revised and edited manuscript.

You need a clear roadmap to guide your draft, tools to gain confidence and mental stamina, your Essential Outline, AND an accountability process that will ensure you don’t give up on yourself or your book dreams.

Once you can create these four special ingredients for yourself, you can finish your book and get it onto bookshelves so that you can find your Ideal Readers and begin living the writing life you’ve always dreamed of!

An action-packed workshop to help writers create a clear and achievable plan to finally finish writing their books without exhausting themselves in the process.

23 April - 3 May 2024

2-3pm Eastern (NYC) Time

LIVE via Zoom, with Replay Recordings Available

From a clunky partial manuscript to a finished book that works…

By the end of our time together, you’ll have a clear roadmap to finally finish your book and understand the steps to take to get to a completed draft. AND you’ll gain the confidence you need to structure your draft so that the final finished book actually works and requires much less revision.


Over a week of training that will provide a clear roadmap to take you from“I’m never going to finish this thing!” to finally typing “THE END!”

Each day, I’ll be going live in our private Zoom Room to help you work through the key ingredients for finishing your book. I’ve taken the highs and lows of my own writing experience, as well as all of my students, and have distilled them down into the essential steps you can take RIGHT NOW to finally finish your book. Let me shorten the book-finishing process for you and make it so much easier!

Training 1: Creating Your Book Finish Roadmap

Some of the biggest mistakes writers make are all tied up in how they approach the drafting process. You don’t want to be writing your book in a way that feels like a never-ending, exhausting slog, right? I didn’t think so!

Straight away on Day 1, we’ll craft your Roadmap to FINISH and identify the most productive and efficient way to complete your book based on your personal starting point.

Training 2: Managing Creative Anxiety with Brain Science

Let me be straight with you: we think writing a book is all about craft, but the truth is that writers who finish have finally conquered their debilitating mental and emotional blocks once and for all.

Writer’s resistance is real, but there are lessons from brain science that can help us conquer our creative anxiety once and for all. Writer’s block: GONE!

Training 3: Writing a Book That Works: The Essential Book Outline

So many writers start out with a good idea for a book and then write along without a plan. Even if you don’t want to plot out the whole book – and I sure don’t! – there are some key decisions you can make at the start of your writing process that will ensure you’re not writing a book that falls flat, that you’re embarrassed by, or that no one will want to read.

I’ll walk you through what I call The Essential Book Outline so that every single writing session will be valuable time spent moving your story in the right direction. (And YES, it works for short stories and memoirs too!)

Training 4: Staying on Track – Creating Your Personal Accountability Process

97% of writers who start writing a book never finish. We don’t want you to be part of this group! But how do you really become a FINISHER if you’ve never finished a book before? The key is in designing an Accountability process that works for your personal life circumstances.

Real truth: even the most accomplished writers don’t write books alone! Let’s talk about how you can build a supportive writing community and get the accountability you need for when self-doubt kicks in (and it will!) You’ll leave Day 4 with a clear plan of how you’ll create this for yourself.

Training 5: Your Roadmap for FINISHING

With all the advice swirling around on the internet, it can feel so overwhelming. How do you figure out the best process for you personally to finally finish? I get it! But having done it a few times now, I can tell you that there is a proven process that successful writers follow in order to achieve their writing dreams. Because there is nothing sweeter than holding a copy of your book in your hands, hot off the printing press! It’s a book nerd’s dream come true, but we can’t get there unless a few critical elements fall into place – four specific elements that you can create for yourself.

I’ll walk you through something I call The First Book Finish Framework and you’ll leave Day 5 with a clear and complete plan to finally FINISH your work-in-progress.



BONUS 1: Your Book Finish Blueprint – A fill-In-the-blank Roadmap so you have TOTAL CLARITY on what to do next to finish your book. [Value: $97]

One of the most difficult things about writing a book can be what to do or write NEXT. With your Book Finish Blueprint, you’ll have a printable plan you can post over your writing desk and keep referring back to so that you stay on track and keep building momentum towards the finish line! And I’ll show you how to make sure your Blueprint is completely customized to your life circumstances, so that you know it’s realistic and achievable.

BONUS 2: A Full Year of Access to the Bootcamp Training Recordings – so that you can revisit these key concepts whenever you want. [Value: $197]

If you have to hop out early, or miss a session, no worries! You’ll get access to all the trainings and worksheets inside a password-protected online portal, so that you can watch or rewatch them on your own time, whenever you need a refresher or want an extra boost of motivation! That’s all 5 days of training, plus a few surprises. Come back to them whenever you feel stuck with your book.

BONUS 3: Community and Support – access to our private pop-up Facebook group filled with like-minded writers who all share the same goal [Value: $197]

Consider this your hub for the Bootcamp. This is where you can post your homework, connect with other writers, and get feedback from me as you create your Book Finish blueprint and clarify exactly how and when you’re going to finish your book.

BONUS 4: The Finishers Guide to TurboCharging Your Writing Time…so that you can potentially double or even triple your writing speed and finish that much faster! [Value: $97]

Ever feel like finishing your book will take forever and a few days? There are ways to turbocharge your drafting speed and gain extra momentum in your writing life even in the busiest of lives. Finish your book even faster by using the techniques professional authors use to write 2-3 books a year. This is a guide you’ll come back to with every book you write.

BONUS 5: The Essential Book Outline… summary of how to create a basic book outline so that you know you’re writing a book that works, even at the first draft stage. [Value $97]

The Essential Book Outline is a matrix to help you think through how your story will unfold in a way that helps you complete the draft that much faster AND be sure you’re writing a story that works! This guide is the step-by-step explanation of the Essential Book Outline so you can feel completely confident that you know what you’re doing, even when you’re getting that first draft down on the page.


When you sign up for the Book Finish Bootcamp, you’ll get…

  • Training 1: Your Book Finish Roadmap & The Rules Of The Draft [Value: $97]

  • Training 2: How To Manage Creative Anxiety [Value: $97]

  • Training 3: How to Write a Book That Works – The Essential Book Outline [Value: $97]

  • Training 4: Creating Your Personal Accountability Process [Value: $97]

  • ​Training 5: A Proven Process for Writing to THE END [Value: $97]

  • Your Book Finish Blueprint – A fill-In-the-blank Roadmap so you have TOTAL CLARITY on what to do next to finish your book. [Value: $97]

  • A Full Year of Access to the Bootcamp Training Recordings [Value: $197]

  • ​Community and Support – access to our private pop-up Facebook group filled with like-minded writers who all share the same goal [Value: $197]

  • ​The Finishers Guide to TurboCharging Your Writing Time [Value: $97]

  • ​The Essential Book Outline: A Step-by-Step Guide [Value: $97]

Snag $1170 in value ...

for just $37


I absolutely 100% guarantee that you will love this bootcamp.

If after the end of Day One, you don’t feel that you’ve received 10X the value of your $37 investment ($270) in coaching support and writing techniques to help you finish your book, I will happily refund your investment in FULL. All you have to do is email by 8:50am EST on Day Two for a full refund.

Sound fair?


“I LOVED my hot seat. With a few simple questions, you moved me further than I have been in four years. Thank you for your time and expertise!"

– Kimberly J. Ward, memoirist

“My writing life used to be lonely. I wrote all day and all night, but in a bubble, really. We were in lockdown, and I had no network… and I had a 120,000-word behemoth of a book, so I was in a bit of a panic. This time just confirmed that I was "good enough"...that I wasn't wasting my time trying to write a novel. If you’re thinking about trying it out: Go for it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. “

– Laura Beeby, novelist

“I had been working on the manuscript for about four years, and I was chasing my tail. It wasn’t the characters, or the story that had me feeling defeated, it was my work habits, and my fear of failure, and my fear of possible success. Now, I am no longer afraid to sit at my desk. I no longer worry about what anyone else thinks of my writing, which really had me stuck. If you are stuck in your writing practice, you should try this to dismantle the emotional baggage and poor writing habits that are keeping you from finishing (or even starting) your manuscript. “

– Ellen McKeough, novelist

“Rhonda provides the tools and support necessary to manifest your project. She holds a deep care for and commitment to writers and the craft, which includes making space for a life that includes writing. She comes to this role from her own deep experience and makes her care felt in tangible ways no matter where in the world you are.”

– Robin K. Macdonald, memoirist

“Thank you so much, Rhonda! Your Bootcamp was the kick in the pants I needed to finish. It still feels wildly surreal.”

– K. R. Hansen, novelist

Have a burning question? Here are some As for your Qs…

I haven’t started my book yet. OR, I am in Revision. Is this for me?

Yes – if you have an idea of the book you want to write, even some notes sketched out in a notebook or on your laptop, then you’re going to LOVE how this Bootcamp sets you up to succeed with writing and finishing your book. I will also offer a special session for those in the Revision stage, sharing my proven step-by-step Revision Method.

I’ve already written one book – should I still join?

YAY YOU! Congratulations! Real talk though…you know that every book is its own unique creature, so if you’re still struggling to find momentum with your current work-in-progress, then this Bootcamp will be super helpful for you as well.

I’m writing a novel/memoir/creative nonfiction/ collection of stories/essays... is this for me?

Absolutely! This event is for writers in all narrative genres. It’s not the best fit for folks writing business books or poetry, but other than that, come on in!

Where is this Bootcamp happening?

It will all go down on Zoom and inside our private pop-up Facebook group, so that you have the opportunity to connect with other writers just like you. It will be recorded as well, and you’ll get lifetime access to the recordings so you can revisit topics or catch up on any sessions you missed.

What if I can’t make some of the Live Bootcamp sessions?

No worries! Your ticket comes with access to all of the recordings for the lifetime of the program, so you can watch whenever is best for you. However, I will be answering questions LIVE, so I highly recommend you try to make the time if at all possible. Consider it practice for prioritizing your writing life! ;-)

Why is this so cheap to join?

I really really REALLY want more people to finish their books so I’m trying to keep the price affordable so that everyone can access this as a resource. That said, the price probably will go up the next time around, so hop in and take advantage of it now!


Here’s the truth: you won’t finish your book unless you try something new.

If you’re sick and tired of staring at a blinking cursor or a blank page...

If you keep thinking “I thought I’d be finished writing this book by now.”...

If “My writing isn't good enough” keeps running through your head….

If you find yourself feeling discouraged and avoiding your writing sessions….

If you’re tired of Googling writing advice online and just want a clear roadmap to get you and your book all the way through to completion….

Then, honestly? I really think you'll be missing out if you’re not in this Bootcamp.

Because relying on the Muse to show up so that your book will somehow write itself is a sure-fire way to stay stuck and struggling with a half-finished manuscript as the weeks and months tick on by. And you and your book deserve better than that.

So…will you join me in the Book Finishers’ Bootcamp?

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